Your WI Membership
To join the WI you pay an annual subscription which runs from 1 April to 31 March. Your membership givies you access to at least eleven monthly meetings, our digital newsletter The WI Hive and eight copies of NFWI’s magazine WI Life delivered directly to your letterbox. You can find out more information about subscription costs and member benefits here
The WI is a charity organisation; therefore your membership fees help us to keep running. The value of a WI membership fee is determined by you. The more you become involved, the greater your enjoyment and the better value your subscription becomes.
SWFWI has more than 40 WIs dotted across West Suffolk. Use our handy timetable to see when they meet, or you can find a WI using your postcode here
Become a Member
Now you’ve found us, the WI Office can put you in touch with our WIs. The WI is not a one size fits all, so you’re welcome to try as many as you wish. Our office team work closely with all our WIs and will be able to help you find the one for you.
What are you waiting for? Contact the WI Office via